Libanier was only 6 years old when he was hit by a car. Even though he experienced a typical childhood, at the age of 16 he began to feel very weak and was diagnosed with post traumatic syringomyelia.
In June 2014, while traveling to the Dominican Republic, he started having trouble with his breathing. Over the next few months his breathing worsened, and in September, 2014, Dr. Mark Ginsburg implanted Libanier with the Avery Diaphragm Pacing System at New York Presbyterian Hospital.
Libanier now enjoys going to the movies, hanging out with friends, and having a more independent life. Libanier states, “I am extremely happy and feel blessed to have the [Avery] diaphragm pacing system; I can’t imagine how my life would have been without it.”
Source: ABD-PP-013, Rev B 12/2020