
The Avery Device Components

Spirit Transmitter


Receivers And Electrodes

Mark IV Transmitter

Device Troubleshooting

Avery Technical Support

Technicians are available by telephone to assist with troubleshooting and technical support during normal business hours (8 AM to 4 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday). 

Refer to the Instruction Manual provided with each system for complete instructions on the operation and troubleshooting of the Avery Diaphragm Pacing System.

For Patients Experiencing...

a loss of function or intermittent operation:

  • Use the battery indicator lights on the transmitter front panel to determine if battery replacement is required. The battery indicators should flash during inspiratory periods. If the battery indicator fails to flash after the installation of a battery known to be good, contact ABD for evaluation and repair of the transmitter.
  • Use the antenna indicator lights on the transmitter front panel to determine if the antennas are good and sufficient transmitter output is present. Use a spare, working antenna to troubleshoot between a suspected defective antenna and transmitter output.

* Antenna indicators may not flash at very low stimulus amplitudes even though the transmitter and antenna may be functioning properly.

For Patients Experiencing...

A decrease in tidal volume:

  • See if effective pacing can be restored at a slightly increased amplitude setting. If the patient is experiencing a temporary increase in threshold, the current amplitude settings may be ineffective.
  • Check for an infection (such as fever, pain, swelling or redness) anywhere in the body. Diaphragm pacing may become ineffective when a patient has any type of infection. Pacing at slightly increased amplitude settings during treatment of the infection may be sufficient to maintain adequate ventilation.
  • Ensure that the patient has not suffered any trauma or other accident which may have caused mechanical damage to the implanted components.

Spirit Transmitter

Proper Care of Spirit:

The Spirit transmitter is constructed with materials that minimize the possibility of accidental damage, but it is a delicate instrument and should be treated as such. The Spirit should be kept inside its carrying case at all times.

The following is a guide to proper care of the Spirit transmitter to prevent from accidental damage:

* If you have any questions, please contact us at (631) 864-1600. We are happy to help.


The 902A / 902AL Antennas Care Instructions:

Antennas are a durable medical disposable item. Proper care and gentle handling will allow them to last longer. Do not stretch or bend the wire and keep the antennas connector free from dirt, dust and lint.

Proper care and gentle handling will make the antennas last longer, however, it will eventually wear out. ABD recommends replacement of antennas every six months (expected service life). Please ensure a spare pair of antennas is on hand at all times. Store the spare antennas in a dry place. Antennas carry a 90-day warranty.

Types of Recommended Adhesives:

Antennas can be held in place using hypoallergenic adhesive tape. A suggested method for taping is shown in our photo below. It is recommended that tape location be changed frequently to avoid skin irritation.

A thin layer of polypropylene or similar material may help alleviate skin irritation due to perspiration when placed directly beneath the antenna. Amplitude settings may need to be adjusted accordingly to maintain adequate ventilation.

Alternatively, other adhesives as elastic netting that conforms to body shape, abdominal binders, elastic bandages, or gas permeable dressings such as Tegaderm® can be used.

Antenna & Hypoallergenic Adhesive Tape

Antenna & Hypoallergenic Adhesive Tape

Antenna & Elastic Netting

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Antenna Replacement

Antennas are reimbursable as durable medical equipment. Depending on your policy, prior authorization may be required. If a HCPCS code is requested, please use code E1399.

Please contact your Durable Medical Equipment (DME) company.

Customer Service

The Customer Service Department is happy to assist with troubleshooting and provide technical information regarding diaphragm pacing. Our hours are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (EST) weekdays.