Elise has Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS). Because Elise would get at least two infections a year, her doctor recommended the Avery Diaphragm Pacemaker. In November 2012, Elise was implanted at the Tulane University Hospital by Dr. Steiner. Six weeks after being implanted, Elise was pacing nine hours a night. Elise was also able to have her trach removed six weeks after her surgery and has been trach-free since.

Elise is a very active and independent 14-year-old. She participates in Beta club, theater, and musicals at her school. She recently went to a Beta convention with just her friends. This year she plans to attend summer camp with others who have respiratory issues.
Elise’s mom says, “We absolutely love our [Avery] pacers.” Since Elise was one year of age, her passion has been ballet. With the help of her Avery pacemaker, she is living her dream.
Source: ABD-PP-035, Rev A 12/2020