Central Sleep Apnea During the Day

woman breathing overlooking ocean

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is a condition characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleeping and resting hours. This sleep disorder can either be present from birth, which is known as Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), or be acquired later in life. Central Sleep Apnea functions very differently than Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Central Sleep Apnea stems […]

Breathing with Quadriplegia

For most people, breathing is a natural action. We do not think about it, yet is vital to our existence. But for those living with quadriplegia, the muscles required for breathing are paralyzed, rendering them unable to breathe on their own without mechanical assistance. Quadriplegia (or tetraplegia) is the paralysis of all four limbs or […]

Understanding Quadriplegia and Spinal Cord Injury

The spine is one of the most vital parts of the human body. Made up of hard, sturdy vertebrae that enclose the spinal cord, this structure not only supports the body, but also encases the nerves that allow the brain and body to communicate so that the body may function. Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, […]

Mechanical Ventilators vs. Diaphragm Pacing

Mechanical Ventilators and Diaphragm Pacing Mechanical ventilation (MV) is often used to assist in breathing when injury or illness makes it difficult or impossible for the patient to breathe on their own. Although this may be used temporarily for some conditions, other conditions require mechanical ventilation on a full-time or near-full time basis. Mechanical ventilators […]

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Masks and Central Sleep Apnea

(Note: if you are familiar with the different types of sleep apnea and would like to jump straight to information on OSA masks leading to CSA, you can click here) Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep.  There are multiple types of sleep apnea that can occur, and are […]

Spinal Cord Injury and Breathing

There are an estimated 288,000 people living with spinal cord injuries in the United States alone, with an estimated 17,700 new cases each year. In many of these cases, breathing assistance is required. There are multiple options available, though many people, including physicians, are not always aware of the options that are available. For quadriplegic […]

What You Should Know About Quadriplegia

If you or someone you love is a person with quadriplegia, you are used to being asked a barrage of questions. What does it mean to be quadriplegic? What causes quadriplegia? How does quadriplegia affect your body? Is there a treatment for quadriplegia? What is Quadriplegia? Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, is the paralysis of […]

Spinal Cord Injury Treatments

The spinal cord extends from the base of the brain downward, so at any point along the spinal cord, direct or indirect damage can result in spinal cord injury. When either direct (such as trauma) or indirect damage (from disease or indirect trauma) of the spinal cord occurs, immediate medical attention is required to avoid […]

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI)

Within all of us is a spinal cord that connects every square inch of your body to your brain. The spinal cord itself extends from the base of the brain down to your pelvic region, and the vertebrae that make up your spine protect it. Just like all parts of the human body, the spinal […]

Understanding Mechanical Ventilation for Quadriplegia

One of the major issues facing persons with quadriplegia is the need for breathing assistance. While an injury at the C5 vertebrae or lower typically does not affect breathing, injuries above the C4 do often require ventilatory assistance. Individuals with injuries at the C1 and C2 level are dependent on assistance for breathing. Typically, this […]