Marliné was born prematurely in South Africa in 2011. She was diagnosed with Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS). Searching for an alternative to mechanical ventilation, her mother, Annalize, was referred to Dr. Martin Bruwer, a Cardiothoracic Surgeon in South Africa.
Dr. Bruwer implanted Marliné with the Avery Diaphragm Pacing System in 2012. When interviewed, Annalize stated, “As a Speech Pathologist, I was more than aware of all the negative aspects of having a tracheotomy. I was determined to let Marliné have a normal childhood— one that didn’t include constant lung infections, speech difficulty and not being able to swim or play normal games like other children. There had to be a better solution in the 21st Century than a ventilator.”
Marliné’s mother says, “Our lives were forever changed the day she was implanted with the Avery diaphragm pacer. Today Marliné is a happy, healthy and very active child. Marliné can put the antennas on by herself and is very diligent about making sure it’s switched on before she goes to bed. She is an avid horse rider and competes in show jumping, a sport she would not have been able to experience [otherwise].”
Source: ABD-PP-031, Rev B 12/2020