Shortly after birth, Evan was diagnosed with CCHS. He was given a tracheostomy and ventilated at 5 weeks old, and at age 4 he had the Avery system implanted. At age 7, Evan was finally decannulated and he and his family have not looked back!
Evan’s mother says “12 years ago, we never in a million years thought we would be able to see him do this, but here he is, skiing while wearing his pacers! The freedom he has allows us to enjoy activities as a family!”
Below is a video of Evan, who was implanted with the Avery Diaphragm Pacing System. Not only is Evan able to move around more freely, he is able to ski with ease. For those that are vent-dependent, this is a monumental step to independence!
Source: ABD-PP-041, Rev A 06/2021