In 1996, Keith, an 18-year-old diving and gymnastic enthusiast, suffered an accident on a trampoline which rendered him quadriplegic and ventilator dependent. He had a bilateral intercostal nerve graft and was implanted with the Avery Diaphragm Pacing System. In 1997, after approximately seven months of nerve regeneration, Keith began pacing.

Keith says, “Being off the vent during the day, I’ve been able to do so many things. Traveling is so much easier. I spend time at the river. I’m able to take day trips wherever I want. I’ve even flown to Las Vegas.”
Today, Keith lives his life on his terms. Keith stated, “For the past 12 years I have been a diving coach at local high schools. It’s great getting to do the sport that I love in a new capacity.” Way to go Keith!
Source: ABD-PP-021, Rev C 12/2020