Yonathan, Pacing Since 2016
Yonathan was born in 2004 and diagnosed with CCHS (Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome) by two months old. Although his parents learned about the Avery Diaphragm Pacemaker at that time, it wasn’t until he was 13, after his bar mitzvah, that he decided he wanted to be more independent and be implanted with the pacer. He […]
Camila, Pacing Since 2019
Camila sustained a C1-C2 neonatal spinal cord injury, rendering her ventilator-dependent. In 2019, at nearly two years old, she was implanted with the Avery Diaphragm Pacemaker by Dr. Renato Acuña at Hospitales Los Angeles in Los Angeles, Chile. Her post-op recovery was so smooth that her mother mentioned, “you could hardly tell she had a […]
Cash, Pacing Since 2013
Cash was diagnosed with Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS) and was given a tracheostomy as an infant. He spent the first few years of his life in and out of the hospital, battling many ventilator-associated infections. At five years old, Cash was cervically implanted with the Avery Diaphragm Pacemaker at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, and he […]
Emily, Pacing Since 2001
Emily has been using the Avery Diaphragm Pacemaker since she was three years old. She was born with CCHS, a disorder that affects breathing, causing shallow breaths (hypoventilation), especially during sleep. Before she had the Avery Pacemaker implanted, Emily had to have a mechanical ventilator with her at all times. The ventilator made it difficult […]
Josh, Pacing Since 2009
Josh’s mother noticed that he was struggling to stay awake. After suffering full respiratory arrest, numerous tests were performed to identify the cause, finally resulting in a diagnosis of ROHHAD (Rapid-Onset Obesity with Hypothalamic Dysfunction). Three days before his 9th birthday, Josh had a surgery to insert a tracheostomy tube, so he could connect to […]
Ryo, Pacing Since 2001
In 1999, Ryo became a quadriplegic because of a traffic accident with his motorbike. He remained in the hospital for 15 months tethered to a mechanical ventilator. After 15 months in the hospital, Ryo was implanted with the Avery Breathing Pacemaker at Fujita Health University. Five short months later, he was pacing 24 hours a […]
Evan, Pacing Since 2010
Shortly after birth, Evan was diagnosed with CCHS. He was given a tracheostomy and ventilated at 5 weeks old, and at age 4 he had the Avery system implanted. At age 7, Evan was finally decannulated and he and his family have not looked back! Evan’s mother says “12 years ago, we never in a […]
Richard, Pacing Since 2018
Richard was implanted with the Avery system by Dr. Keith Mortman at the George Washington University Hospital in August of 2018. Prior to being implanted with Avery’s Diaphragm Pacing System, his diaphragm paralysis was hindering his quality of life. Richard stated that he used to get “very tired everywhere I went. I couldn’t do anything […]
Brodie, Pacing Since 1980
In 1980, a trampoline accident at college rendered Brodie a C2-C3 quadriplegic at the age of 19. Approximately four months later, he was implanted with the Avery Diaphragm Pacemaker system, and in 1983, Brodie had his tracheostomy closed. He then returned to college, completing his master’s degree in Education. According to Brodie, because of the […]
Keith, Pacing Since 1996
In 1996, Keith, an 18-year-old diving and gymnastic enthusiast, suffered an accident on a trampoline which rendered him quadriplegic and ventilator dependent. He had a bilateral intercostal nerve graft and was implanted with the Avery Diaphragm Pacing System. In 1997, after approximately seven months of nerve regeneration, Keith began pacing. Keith says, “Being off the […]